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MTF Maine

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Everything posted by MTF Maine

  1. TechRP or EngineeringRP is RP that involves: Working with wood, metal, concrete or stone, electronics, mechanical parts, and even more. Typically TechRP has two main categories: Repair - to fix something existing that has suffered some damage or malfunction. The Construction - creating something new whether that be more conventional like building a wall, or more unorthodox like assisting research with creating a new experimental device. TechRP can be confusing initially, but it makes sense when you realize it’s all about logic. What is broken? How is it broken? Can I fix it with the tools and materials I have on hand? Considering these questions can help you start doing TechRP. It's worth remembering, that your TechRP will improve with experience, you can go from simple /me’s to more fleshed-out and realistic decisions with practice. There are basic steps to begin TechRP depending on whether you are constructing or repairing. So first consider this “Am I making something new or fixing something old?”. From there exist two different but similar steps to begin. Repair Inspection - First check what you are fixing for what specifically is wrong with it. With RP Mods this can either be specific and helpful or can be very vague depending on whose modding you are. For self-modded/solo repairs (which typically aren’t canon) you can use a roll to determine whether or not there is damage. There is no exact rule, some like to say a high roll = no damage and a low roll = high damage. Others however may say it is the other way around, while there is no exact right way be sure to be consistent with the way you do it. Also worth mentioning is that roll bonuses do not apply to damage checks. Regardless of how you are doing it, there are 4 different tiers. No damage, low damage, moderate damage, high damage. These are based on what you roll. Planning - Second is planning, determining “how I am going to go about fixing this”. This is important after inspection so that you can have a plan in place to try to fix the damage. Spacing out your plan into several steps and then going through each step one by one is important. Keep in mind, that plans can change, and be flexible. What you may have thought was the right way to fix something might not be a proper solution. Remove - Third is removal which involves taking out damaged parts, portions, or objects so that they can be replaced. This may be as simple as just taking the part out but it may require you to make use of tools to assist in removal, such as cutting away the part. Awareness can be key too for instance you should not be removing wires that have power to them or removing pipes that have water moving through them. It may seem obvious but it can often slip your mind when you are in the middle of a repair and RP mods are not ones to let these mistakes go unnoticed. Replace - Fourth is replacement where new parts are put in place, whether it be the same part that was removed except undamaged or if it's a different part entirely. Replacement can be pretty straightforward but it's worth keeping in mind “Is there anything I can do to prevent this from getting broken in the future?”. With this question, there are unfortunately not many tangible solutions but an effort can be made to use more durable components or to find an outside-of-the-box solution. Construction Consideration - First consider “What is the purpose of what I am building?” Determine what you need, is the building for decoration or is it practical, is it static or portable? Planning - Second, devise a plan for how you want to build the construction. Consider what materials you want to use and what you want to work on first. Prototyping- Third is prototyping which involves making the beginnings of your construction and determining what else to add if anything is needed at all. Implementation - The fourth is to make a final version, adding all that is needed to your prototype. RP Actions /me - Can be used to act /roll - a general roll from 0-100 Zoom menu rolls - Career roll is the most useful to TechRP however depending on your creativity and the creativity of your RP mod other types of rolls can be used. Note: Basic actions that anyone could do typically do not require rolls however difficult or job-based skills do require rolls. This isn't mandatory but it helps build your TechRP Tools and what they do Hand Tools Hammer - Used to drive nails into wood which can be used to connect wood to wood. Wrench - Can be used to tighten nuts, bolts, and pipes Screwdriver - Can be used to install or remove screws Pliers - Can be used to cut, twist, or shape material especially types of wire. File - Can be used to shape small details in metal or wood Crowbar - Can be used to pry materials. Useful for opening wooden crates Saw - Used for cutting wood. Chisels - Can be used for removing small parts of wood, concrete, or metal. Clamps - For keeping an object or materials in place. Power Tools MIG/TIG/Stick Welder - Used to fuse two pieces of metal Plasma Torch - Used to cut pieces of metal using intense heat. Similar to welding. Drill - Used to make holes in material for screws, bolts, etc. Angle Grinder - Used for heavy-duty cutting, sanding, polishing, and most of all grinding. Soldering Iron - Used for connecting metal but doesn’t fuse it. Useful for connecting wire. Jigsaw - Powered saw used for cutting precise and small details in wood Circular Saw - Heavy duty powered saw that can typically cut a variety of material What to fix? (PassiveRP and General Repair) This section is geared mostly to Foundation Engineers as a lot of the time other jobs won’t be fixing things around the facility unless required or normally with an RP mod present to help guide them. As an Engineer you might find times when there isn’t a desperate need for an Engineer in these circumstances you can still do minor repairs even without an RP mod, though these repairs likely won’t be treated as big canon fixes they can give you something to do and make the facility feel more like a real place. Typically these repairs might be smaller things, things that can be taken for granted but are still jobs worth doing. Anywhere Fill in bullet holes with plaster or another material to patch them. Check basic door buttons, and replace old parts in them such as springs or wiring Maintain basic doors by making sure they are running smoothly, remove dents or damage from them, or replace them entirely. Check on and fix computers (don’t fix high-ranking individuals' personal computers without their permission) Check on the pipes around the facility Replace lightbulbs LCZ Inspect D-block (with escort and permission) Check on the Checkpoint (Controls, the glass, etc.) Inspect Research R&D tools and equipment Inspect the Tram controls HCZ Inspect the servers in the server room With permission inspect equipment in SID HQ such as the fridge EZ Inspect Cafeteria (Ovens, Fridges, Shutters) Move general-purpose materials from the Logistics bay to the Engineering bay Check servers and electronics in the lighting room
  2. TO:@(Name).(Branch).(Area/Site) FROM:@(Name).(Branch).(Area/Site) CC:@(Name).(Branch).(Area/Site) SUBJECT: Foundation Command handle: @(Overseer/DOC/RC).Command.Antarctica
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