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Eternal's SCP-5151 Application

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Discord User: Eternal
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:236223110
SCP Applying for: SCP-5151 "The Black Knight"
Why do I want to be this SCP: The reason I wish to become this SCP is because I like his whole basis of he only kills those he deems dishonorable. He isn't a murder crazed SCP like most of the euclid or keter classes instead he binds himself to a code of honor that he ensures he follows. The concept behind SCP-5151 is also pretty cool in my opinion and I would love to see how I can roleplay as SCP-5151 on the server and bring more authentic RP scenarios to the community.
Why should I be picked over other applicants: I can dedicate time to the server, and I can bring more research RP by being the dedicated SCP-5151.
Previous Experiences: I haven't really played on any servers where you were required to apply for SCPs, but I have been Epsilon-11 "Nine Tailed Fox" in Gaminglight's SCPRP. (Yes I know it's a donator role but I got their marksman specialty in it).

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1.1 Tell us a little about the SCP you're applying for, any past experiences or background information of the SCP including, traits, and a physical description. (Minimum 150 words): SCP-5151 is a humanoid male covered in chain mail. It identifies itself as "The Black Knight"  All of SCP-5151 is made up of the same composition, which can pass through materials and seems to be invulnerable. SCP-5151 only kills things that it deems dishonorable. When SCP-5151 deems a subject dishonorable he will stab them through their aorta with his longsword and drain them of their blood. SCP-5151 can inflict a mark on a subject's hand (SCP-5151-2) which makes them feel inadequate and experience raised amounts of stress. SCP-5151 enjoys sparring with the members of Psi-7 ("Honor Bound Knights") as well as sitting down at a table and drinking with them after sparring sessions. One negative trait of SCP-5151 is that if he gives someone his blood pact, and they are forced to break it or it is broken against their will, SCP-5151 will go into a rage and breach containment until he has killed all personnel that broke his blood pact.

1.2 How would this SCP react around Foundation?: This SCP would be passive if the Foundation Personnel around him have not broken basic moral values, or show disloyalty to the Foundation. If a member of the Foundation is deemed dishonorable by SCP-5151 the SCP would swiftly kill the Foundation Member and then become submissive.

1.3 How would this SCP react around The Chaos Insurgency?: This SCP would show no mercy to the Chaos Insurgency as they lack morals and would be the epidemy of dishonorable in this SCP's eyes.

1.4 How would this SCP react around The MTF?: The SCP would react in the same way to the Foundation when it comes to the MTF.

1.5 How would this SCP react around other SCP’s?: It depends entirely on the SCPs. If they are deemed honorable in his eyes he will not be hostile towards them, but if they are dishonorable he would try to kill them.

1.6 How would this SCP react to breaching to the surface?: SCP-5151 would begin hunting down anyone that has performed any form of atrocity or negative act that would make them dishonorable.

2.1 What SCP are you applying for?: SCP-5151 "The Black Knight"

2.2 What is a /me and give an example of such?: /me is an action you can perform in character. One such example in SCP-5151's case would be something like /me uses a whetstone to sharpen the longsword.

2.3 What is a /roll, and when is it appropriate to do so? Also give an example: /roll is a mechanic used to roll a number from 0-100. It is appropriate to do a roll in anything that would contend two parties strength, athletics, combat, etc. An example of a reason to do /roll would be say doing /me grabs the guard by the throat and lifts into the air. After performing the action both parties would do /roll to see if it succeeds/fails.

2.4 As this SCP do you abide by fear rp?: No, this SCP is not affected by matter and is therefor invulnerable so normal conventional weapons have no threat to it.

2.5 When is it appropriate to kill as this SCP?: It is never appropriate as this SCP is invulnerable.

3.1 Why do you want to be an SCP?: I feel it would be a fun experience and a good learning experience. Not only that it would help bring a more authentic research RP situation to the community.

3.2 Please list relevant skills and qualities that could help you become the best SCP: First and foremost I am actively serving, so I know how it is to be bound by codes like honor and I can properly portray that. I am mature enough to not be goofing off while I am flagged up as SCP-5151. I am committed to having fun and enjoying time on the server with everyone else, so there is little to no chance for me to be toxic. I am a very quick learner, and I listen when I am told to do things.

3.3 In-game name: Stagedtomb

3.4 Steam ID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:236223110

3.5 How long have you been playing on this server?: 2 days.

3.6 Do you have any experience in SCP Roleplay?: I do have past experience.

3.7 State all SCPs that you currently have access to or have had access to: Currently only SCP-173.

3.8 Will you flag down if a staff tells you to? Yes I will.

3.9 Do you understand that if you do not flag down when told, your whitelist will be removed? I understand.

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On Hold.
Currently SCP-5151's rules have yet to be formally established and posted within the MOTD. Once the rules have been completed and formally posted this SCP application will be reviewed!

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